Welcome to the online home of Wallaroo-ACDs
We are small kennel in the heart of Germany, founded 1998. The Australian Cattle Dog is an important part of our lives since 1993. 15 years ACDs gives us experience in training, showing, breeding and living with these dogs. Our dogs have won many show and working titles since the foundation of our kennel. Many breeders in europe trace their lines to our dogs, which makes us very happy.Over the past we have exported dogs to the US, Sweden, Finland, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Russia, Estonia, Austria and Switzerland. Our old girl Dusty Dingo holds 14 working Champion titles and is the first Australian Cattle Dog who gained the title German Veteran Champion (showtitle). Our lines are founded on australian and american lines and we combine excellent character, extraordinary working ability and show quality in our dogs.

Trainer & owner of Dusty Dingo SchH I, AD, BH (Austr. Imp.) 14 times working Ch.
Breeder of the High in Trial Obedience at the ACDCA National Specialty 2000 Wallaroo Balefire Blue Bounty BH AD CGC CD HIC TT HIT
Breeder of German Ch., German Youth Winner, Luxembourg Youth Ch., European Youth Winner, German Winner, European Winner, International Champion Wallaroo Avenging Angel JHD PT
Breeder of Vize-German Ch. Ths Wallaroo Dark Project
Breeder of Multiple Landesmeister (ch. of States) Ths Wallaroo Bombadil Tom BH
Breeder of German Ch., German Youth Winner, European Youth Ch., Lux. Youth Ch. Wallaroo Abandon All Hope Anduk SchH III, IPO III, AD, BH
Breeder of SRA-dog Wallaroo Dusty Dingo BH
Breeder of Elite-class Agility Dog Wallaroo Blue Boomerang Skip
Breeder of No.3 Obedience Dog 2004 (ACDClub Finnland), No.3 Show-dog 2004 (ACDClub Finnland), Multi-Ch. Wallaroo Elvish Scout
Breeder of No.2 Working Dog 2005 (ACDClub Finnland), No.3 Obedience Dog 2005 (ACDClub Finnland), No.4 Obedience Dog 2004 Wallaroo Frodo Baggins
Breeder of German Youth Ch., Lux. Youth Ch. Wallaroo King Under The Mountain
Breeder of several working titled dogs, that compete in obedience, Schutzhund, SAR, Agility and more all over the world.
Breeder of German Youth Winner Wallaroo Corroboree Spotted Magic
Please note that this site is still under construction and many pages do not work yet as they should. Please feel free to come back often and see how our site grows and takes shape.
And please be patient with us, as in time all errors will be found and corrected
In the meantime feel free to look around and discover more about us and our dogs.